About Risidio

Empowering creatives with Web 3.0 technology using the power of NFTs and crypto

Who are We?


We envision a financial system that promotes social and economic opportunity and equality that distributes the wealth it generates towards sustainable agendas. Whilst, preserving indigenous art and culture to empower these communities.


Our mission is to be frontrunners in technological innovation, and we aim to inspire others to move towards an ethical and sustainable decentralised future for the Internet. 

Who we Are

Meet The Team

Peter Ponton

Chief Executive Officer

With over 25 years of experience in high-tech, Peter has extensive expertise in launching, growing and serving high-tech companies - both large and small - and brings a wealth of creative company, project and team-building experience.

Arnold Diaz

Chief Operating Officer

Drawing on over 25 years’ experience in operations, finance, and project management, Arnold adds value by successfully implementing and optimising processes across all areas, forging strong business relationships.

Discover Our Services


We have the network, skills and experience to grow a team from zero to production ready. Whether you need secondary or primary research to support a blockchain business plan or you’re ready for a full blown dev team we can help.


Our product development team are constantly on the lookout for new integrations and directions for our core offerings. We build modular web components and micro-services from the ground up.


While blockchain opens the door to entirely new business cases it can also be a complex and daunting space. We can help sort the wheat from the chaff and navigate problems like scalability that will underpin the success of your endeavours with blockchain technology.

We Believe in Web 3.0

Risidio is a UK start-up created during the global pandemic. The pandemic pushed for accelerated digitisation and an ultra-connected world.  We focus on building a better and safer Internet by using new technologies and participating in the evolution of the decentralised web, Web 3.0.

Today, Risidio aims to empower individuals and communities throughout the world with blockchain technology using the power of NFTs and crypto. This is in order to provide individuals and communities with fairer opportunities and a chance to become more independent.

Beyond that, Risidio focuses on building a positive future by giving back to society and the environment through sustainable innovation. Our projects are based on the technology that allows reusing energy from already-mined bitcoin, which allows us to contribute to carbon footprint reduction.